Salty’s supporters are a growing coalition of changemakers—neighbors, community leaders, and advocates who share her unwavering commitment to transparency, accountability, and real solutions for the housing crisis. They stand behind her because she speaks the hard truths, champions bold ideas, and never backs down from a fight for what's right. Salty’s leadership has inspired a movement that’s reshaping the narrative in Chaffee County, proving that grassroots action and relentless advocacy can create meaningful change. Join the people who trust Salty to elevate their voices, demand better from leadership, and turn frustration into progress. Together, we’re building a future where everyone has a place to call home.

Salty is proudly endorsed by:
Luke G.
HRRMC Maintenance
Salty has committed innumerable hours to learning about the state and county legislation pertaining to housing rights, as well programs dedicated to keeping Coloradans in their communities and boosting local economies.
She truly cares about all issues and agendas that pertain to this community and exemplifies tenacity, commitment and diligence in addressing and generating solutions for them. In my opinion, Salty is up to the task of helping Salida provide for the residents, support our service industry and prevent further decline in our local economy.
Isabella M.
As a longtime resident of Salida, Salty has witnessed firsthand the challenges that many of our community members face when it comes to finding safe, affordable housing.
Her firsthand experiences have given her a unique perspective on these issues, and she is committed to finding innovative solutions that will benefit all residents of our city. Salty's expertise in affordable housing and her dedication to this cause is unwavering. She understands the complexities of the housing market and is committed to collaborating with local shareholders to develop policies that will increase the availability of affordable housing in our community.
Randi M.
High Country Bank
Salty is in touch with the needs of the citizens of Salida, specifically the work force population. She brings a positive spin to projects she is involved with, and is excellent at getting others involved as well.
Salty demonstrated extreme perseverance when she came up with the idea for BETCH, made the organization happen, and relentlessly pushed Salida in the direction of providing more affordable housing options to its citizens. Affordable housing will only continue to be a big topic within Salida, perhaps the biggest obstacle we face as a community.
Salty lead the way on the campaign to stop amendment 300, which would have obliterated the city's affordable housing fund and possibly would have created legal problems for the city as well.
Dibby O.
Chaffee County Youth Alliance
I work with Salty Riggs on the Chaffee County Youth Coalition’s Law Enforcement Workgroup. I find her to be a thoughtful, collaborative group member who is also respectful and honest.
She listens well and does not seem to push her agenda at the expense of the group’s process. She is quite knowledgeable on issues related to affordable housing, which would be a plus on the City Council. I have been very impressed with how she conducts herself in the few months we have worked together on this workgroup.
Alexandra R.
Gone to the Dogs
I am writing to commend Cory Riggs, a remarkable woman whose dedication, hard work, and leadership have significantly contributed to the affordable housing community in Chaffee County. Cory's unwavering commitment to her cause has driven positive change and fostered development in our community.
As a woman in a field often dominated by men, Cory's journey of growth and development serves as a testament to the power of perseverance, passion, and purpose. Through her tireless efforts, she has led initiatives aimed at providing affordable and sustainable housing solutions for individuals and families in need, transforming lives and revitalizing neighborhoods.
Cory's leadership style, characterized by empathy, collaboration, and inclusivity, has brought together diverse stakeholders and community members to work towards a common goal. Her ability to inspire and motivate others has been instrumental in building partnerships, mobilizing resources, and driving collective action to address the complex challenges facing our community.
Cory's personal integrity, humility, and compassion serve as a shining example for others to emulate. She leads by example, demonstrating a genuine commitment to serving others and making a positive difference in the lives of those around her.
As we celebrate Cory's remarkable contributions to the affordable housing community in Chaffee County, I urge the Salida City Council to recognize and support her efforts. Cory's dedication, hard work, and leadership have made a lasting impact on our community, and her legacy will continue to inspire us for years to come.
Alysha R.
Horizons Exploratory
I am writing to offer my enthusiastic support for Salty Cory Riggs. In my role as a local school counselor here in Salida, I not only have been a recipient of rental assistance through Salty's nonprofit, BETCH, but I have also witnessed her profound impact on our community.
Salty's commitment to personal growth, tenacity, and love for the community make her an exceptional candidate. Her leadership style, characterized by leading through example and providing unwavering support, showcases her dedication to the well-being of Salida. I wholeheartedly recommend Salty Cory Riggs, confident in her ability to bring positive change and represent the diverse needs of our community.
Eric W.
Salida, CO
I've had the opportunity to get to know Salty over the last 3 years in both a personal and professional capacity. I initially go to know her back when we were proposing the Salida Bottling Company Development to the Planning Commission and Salida City Council. Initially, she and BETCH were opposed, but she took the time to understand our project and make suggestions as to how we could modify it to further benefit the housing challenged in Salida. After we incorporated some of those suggestions, she and BETCH became some of our biggest supporters.
I bring this up because I think sometimes there's a misperception that she has a "my way or the highway" attitude that gets miscast because of her strong beliefs on certain subjects.
More recently, I've had the opportunity to work with her on both subcommittees of and the Chaffee Housing Authority Board itself. Even within the last 9 months I've observed a tempering of her approach and a genuine willingness to learn and compromise to find the best path forward.
There is no question that she would bring a strong policy background on what our community's single greatest challenge is. She has also become fluent in land use and zoning issues over the last couple years. Is Salty passionate about what she believes in? 100%
Heather S.
Salida, CO
As a member of the Chaffee Housing Trust COC, I've had the opportunity to work directly with Salty. She is passionate about serving our community, specifically when it comes to affordable housing.
Salty has represented the working class of Salida and has a proven track record of advocating for their needs.
Salty and I went door to door together sharing information regarding ballot issue 300 with our community members. Salty has shown through hard work and dedication her commitment to educating and empowering her neighbors.
Salty has demonstrated her leadership skills and I believe becoming a city council member would be a great way for her to continue the tremendous growth I have witnessed.
Laura W.
Poncha Springs
In the seven years I have known Cory, she has demonstrated compassion, interest in the local community and a tremendous work ethic.
In just the past few years, I have seen her growth as she founded a non profit organization, her maturity as she faced opposition for her forward thinking, and her fortitude as she refused to stop working for those she represented.
I have no doubt she would continue this level of dedication while serving as a Salida City Council member.
Amanda S.
Centennial Tattoo
Having endured homelessness just last year, multiple hardships and myriad critics, she has proven herself resilient and optimistic in the face of these adversities.
Salty represents something intangible that the spirit of City Council needs. I believe some may call this grit. Opponents of hers will loudly declare her faults and vehemently display her shortcomings in attempts to humiliate her; all of which she has taken in stride. She is honest about her mistakes and moves on. This is why we love her.
Mo Z.
Chaffee Hospitality Inc.
As a member of Chaffee County's Continuum of Care, I have worked with Salty Riggs over the past 2 years. I would like to recommend her for the vacant ward 3 seat on Salida City Council and hope you will seriously consider her.
Her input and direction in recognizing the need for workforce housing and her ability to take action has been positive for Salida. Salty listens to people and understands them. I have seen her in action at several city council meetings, demonstrating she understands the City Council's process. Her compassion and her intelligence will be assets to Salida City Council.
Liz W.
US Forest Service
I have known Salty for several years, and during those years I worked with her to develop BETCH from the very beginning back in the winter of 2021.
Salty is brilliant to work with because she has the capacity and passion to see a problem that affects her community and she takes charge to make a change. Working with her to start a grassroots nonprofit to promote housing equality was eye opening, as I had never done such a thing. Salty knew what to do; she handled the paperwork required to get us our nonprofit status, assigned roles and tasks, and rallied people together like I’ve never seen before.
She has a fun and unique leadership style, and I believe that this is why she is able to bring people together. Salty empowers the people that she works with and she makes everyone feel that they have the capacity to speak up, and she never shuts anyone down.
While working with her on the BETCH board, I attended numerous meetings with her, and if I didn’t know what the meeting was about, I didn’t have to worry because she always does her homework.
She always shows up to meetings extremely prepared, and even over prepared sometimes to the point that she surprises other people with her deep knowledge of the topic at hand. It’s not difficult for her to do the extra work because of her passion for knowledge and her passion to share it with others.
Brandon W.
Chaffee County, CO
I have noticed Salty at numerous events, hearings, meetings, panels, etc concerning various community issues. Primarily these have been for affordable housing.
She has been a tireless advocate for this cause. So much so, that I'm not sure we could fill the Scout Hut with citizens who haven't heard of her by now. Additionally I am aware that she has been to multiple BoCC hearings to advocate for the working people of not only Salida, but also the larger Chaffee County. I think this also demonstrates the knowledge that Salida is not an island, and that real changes can only succeed if they involve the broader community.
This is exactly what so many in Ward 3 need; an advocate who see them at eye-level, not from a high horse of relative economic comfort and privilege. Salty has, repeatedly, and often at great personal cost, demonstrated her knowledge and passion for public service, an open mind, an open ear, and a heart that never leaves her sleeve.
Jessica S.
Ark Valley High Rollers
I met Cory in the service industry and saw how easily she interacted with people from all walks of life. As the housing crisis in Salida worsened and began affecting us and our co-workers, Cory sought advise from as many people as she could as to how she could get involved in the solution.
She knew of my background in nonprofit management and asked for advise. She continued gathering information about nonprofit management, business and government from as many people as she could over the next 6 months and within the year, had led the formation of BETCH.
BETCH has had a significant impact in our community made possible by Cory's dedication and creativity. The work of this nonprofit has facilitated great learning and growth in Cory and gives her strong qualifications for continued public service. As a council person, I think Cory would continue to learn and grow while upholding important convictions about what the population of Salida needs from their local government.
Madelyne F.
Salida, CO
I don’t feel it necessary to list all of Salty’s voluntary history, but she has more than proved herself as a worthy candidate in the public sector over the last few years.
She has acted as a representative of a growing population of folks here in Salida, and she has made multiple personal sacrifices (not limited to, but including her housing security) in order to uphold her values in support of that community.
She has mobilized the community & changed the trajectory of affordable housing here in Chaffee County through her work with BETCH as well as the CHA.
Salty has a very specific skill set, and she knows how to use it. She is tenaciously committed to being a part of the solution in any given situation, even when that situation might not benefit her cause directly.
She has inspired many of us to speak up & take the initiative to make our voices heard with her compassion, dedication, & inclusive efforts- which do not go unnoticed by the community, and I personally believe she would bring an element of diversity to the city council that will become more & more valuable as time goes on. She has the potential to make a major & lasting impact on our community, please consider her appointment accordingly.
William H.
Salida, CO
I know that Salty is well known among the current council members, so I won't waste your time listing all of her many accomplishments. I will simply add that, as a member of the board of BETCH, I have personally worked with Salty and seen her dedication to our community. I think she will do an excellent job as a member of city council, and I sincerely hope you select her for the role.
Would you like to endorse Salty?